Some Stats For Those Who Keep Them
The Super Bowl is the top at-home party event of the year, surpassing New Year’s eve.
More drivers are involved in alcohol-related accidents on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year (except St Patrick’s Day).
Super Bowl Sunday happens to be the biggest winter grilling day of the year.
72 footballs are used for the Super Bowl, out of 700,000 produced annually for the NFL.
Most popular choices of takeout or delivery items on Super Bowl Sunday are pizza (58%), chicken wings (50%) and subs or sandwiches (20%).
The Super Bowl is the second largest day of food consumption behind Thanksgiving Day, and the sales of antacids increase 20% the following day.
Super Bowl weekend is the slowest weekend of the year for weddings.
(Information gathered from Barbara Pitcavage’s weekly column in the Wilkes-Barre “Citizens’ Voice” newspaper.)