I went to get what passes for my suitcase. It’s more like an oversized gym bag and, for all I know, may actually be one. Anyway, I looked inside and there was one of those little flat plastic money envelopes. It had $130 in it – to which I said, “Yes!”
When I travel, I usually have two or three of those; one in my inside jacket pocket, one in my bag and one somewhere else. Generally they have about $125-150 in each, so if one gets lost or something, I’ve got enough to do whatever I went there to do.
Well, now I can do more. $130 more. Of course, those who know me also know that I live on the far side of frugal, somewhere close to the border of cheap. Maybe completely and irrevocably inside The Kingdom of Cheap. The kind of guy who, once, came back with *more* than he brought; but that’s another story.
I can use it to buy Internet time on the ship, mostly to do my daily posting to the thread I run while I’m on a cruise. It’s a combination of a running commentary of the cruise, people-watching, a little exaggeration on the day’s events and some good joke lines. Worth the price of admission, as they say.
So now that I’ve found Captain Kidd’s treasure chest (which, by the way, is supposed to have been buried not far, feet or miles, from where I used to live), I can start to pack now, happily aware that I’m $130 ahead of the game. Of course, being terminally cheap, I’ll most likely return with those same bills in that same plastic holder.