Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Nuns' School

I received the newsletter from my grammar school, a place that opened around 1945; I was in the third graduating class, that of 1956. In these days of closing Catholic schools, St. James keeps perking along. I went back once, maybe 28 or so years ago, and noticed how small the stairs were, how low the drinking fountains. I guess I’ve gotten a bit taller since then.

The web site has its list of “Help Us Find Our Missing Alumni”:

Kevin Condon. We used to mess around so much that we regularly had to stay after school. We just could *not* stay serious when we were near each other. I remember asking Sister if we could be separated, but she said we’d just have to learn to behave.

Joyce Fedak. I remember her as a nice girl whose house I passed while I walked to school. We did that in those days, walking to school. There weren’t as many lawyers with too few clients then to scare parents about what might happen. Anyhow, Joyce was neat and I never got to know her that well; not sure why.

Peggy Snow; think of a tall Carol Burnett. We used to have a lot of fun together and she is one of the “what if’s” of my life. I see she has a married name now, so that one’s out the window.

Mary Ethel Bowe, my first girlfriend from our stroller days, gone now to God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Kevin Condon. We used to mess around so much that we regularly had to stay after school. We just could *not* stay serious when we were near each other."

...Carten coming out of the closet

January 07, 2008 2:36 PM  
Blogger Tom Carten said...

The closet of laughter and giggling. Peggy Snow and I just never got caught, probably because she was tall and I sat behind her. Gerry Fitzgerald was next to me and, by that time, I learned how to talk without moving my lips, so I was safe there.

January 07, 2008 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but i bet her lips were quite moved...

January 07, 2008 8:34 PM  

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