The Blog Closes For Vacation
Vacation. Freedom from work or cares. A leave of absence for rest and relaxation. (Merriam-Webster Second New International Unabridged Dictionary)
Vacation. When I get on the bus and the door closes, there is nothing I can do about anything back home or at work. Nothing. Therefore, I do not think about it. (me)
I do not think about what might have been left undone, what I am planning for when I get back, arguments I had before I left. That’s all contrary to a vacation and I can do nothing about it.
When I get back, I don’t want to know how things went, unless I can do something about it. It’s as useless as someone saying, “Your phone was ringing a few minutes ago, but it stopped.”
On a vacation, I vacate. Out of here, doing what I please and regenerating. Bringing back souvenirs? Ah, but that’s for your own vacation.
Pack as little as possible, expect as little as possible, enjoy as much as possible.