Friday, February 23, 2007

We Wrote The Encyclopedia Britannica

Cats did not, nor did ants. I never saw a dog going over proofs for a book or reading a magazine. Whales and dolphins are smart, but they never went to the moon. So there.

We also wrote the theology books and, since the victors write the history books as they wish, we have decided who survives bodily death. Us, that’s who. Not a single Seeing Eye dog will be reunited with the person it aided, no soaring eagles will grace heaven, the mighty oak will rot into the forest ground. We wrote the book, we decide what gets into it.

There’s a little problem with that, of course. It’s called “our pride” and “God is running the joint.” The creator of life just might have other plans and that might include all those creatures who have been given the gift of life. Humans, birds, dogs and cats, eagles, ants and, yes, trees and grass. If it lives, that’s because it shares in the life of the creator of life. Why shouldn’t that life continue?

Our books once put the center of the universe as Greece, the sun and stars revolving around us. It wasn’t until Edwin Hubble started messing around in 1926 that we discovered there are a lot of other groups of stars and they don’t particularly give a rat’s ass about Greece.

I’m willing to bet a heavenly cup of tea that we will find every bit of God’s living creation joining us, alive and conscious in their own way, glorifying the Person who brought them into creation. God will correct the books we wrote. We meant well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m willing to bet a heavenly cup of tea that we will find every bit of God’s living creation joining us, alive and conscious in their own way
Nope. No snakes. No alligators or crocodiles, either. As a matter of fact there won't be any reptiles. God's got His own corrections to make.

February 23, 2007 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be a neat practical joke to cut loose a few snakes on cruise ship?

February 24, 2007 10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even rubber ones?

I don't like snakes. I don't like worms because they look like snakes. I don't like rubber bands because they look like worms, which look like snakes.

No. No snakes (not even rubber ones) on a cruise ship. Ever. K?

February 25, 2007 10:16 AM  
Blogger Tom Carten said...

You heard of the summer film, "Snakes on a Plane"? Well, how about "Lions on a Cruise Ship: This time YOU are the midnight buffet."

February 25, 2007 2:06 PM  

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