Sunday, June 03, 2007

Reunion Weekend At The College

What a weekend; Sunday’s blog is being written at 11:15pm Monday. And I haven’t even thought of Monday’s blog yet. A writer’s life is never easy.

This year, we invited the five- and ten-year classes whose years ended in “2” and “7.” Those from the class of 1957 received the Golden Monarch award for, among other things, still being on their feet, breathing and able to take nutrition.

One person had not been back since he graduated 25 years ago. The place has undergone many changes, some of them major, since that time yet he looks pretty much the same. Some people have all the luck.

One of our grads became a clown for a day when the circus came to town. She is a reporter and feature writer for the other newspaper here in Wilkes-Barre and did a piece on them. “Grampa” made her up rather nicely, and she appeared in the pre-show segment. I didn’t think to ask her if she was tempted to leave her day job and run off with the circus; as “Bubbles the Clown,” she seemed to have fun. It sure beats running it to the newsroom shouting, “Stop the press!”

Other alums have not had such colorful experiences, at least recently. Although, one did talk about having gone to Boy Scout camp when he was 14. On his way there, he stopped in Chicago and somehow managed to accidentally knock Mayor Daley off his feet and onto his backside. A bit later, someone took him to a courtroom and he found himself sitting behind Jimmy Hoffa at one of his trials.


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