Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All In All, I've Been Fortunate... have worked at radio stations that received albums that did not fit their formats ... but did fit my tastes. The latest to hit the "free for the taking" bin is "Classic Canadian Songs," from Smithsonian Folkways. "The unique sounds of Canada's varied and vibrant traditional music," it says. I have an ever-growing collection of compact discs that nobody wanted, but I can appreciate. have been raised by a mother and grandparents who were cheap New England Yankees. Where I'm from, that's a compliment. Grandma never stitched the motto, "You can always find it cheaper," but she might as well have. Because of that, I have never taken an expensive cruise, despite the ads which entice me with all sorts of nice cabins and wonderful shore excursions. I'm in the cheap seats and wander around on my own, for about 1/3 the price. have been taken on "nature walks" by my mother when I was very young (and she was desperate for something to do). We looked under rocks at bugs, under leaves for budding flowers, at any manner of little things in nature. Without thinking of it, I still look at, and appreciate, the small. After I wrote, and published, a short story many years later, Mom recognized the nature walks in it and said, "You never forgot them." have been told "Why not?" instead of "Why?" by my parents when I thought of something I'd like to do. Some of it never worked out, but, hey, I started writing for publication in my mid-teens, doing radio at the same time, suggesting to Kraft foods the idea for the wide-mouth jar when I was twelve (really!), and assisting with driving at the same time. That all came after my brother (age 8) and I (age 4) took a train trip alone from Connecticut to Vermont; they knew we were old enough.

A lot of unfortunate things happened in my life, too. You really want to hear about them? I thought not; neither do I. The others are a lot more fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe I've been hit over the head enough times. Maybe---who knows why. But I do know that I spend a few minutes every night, right before I go to sleep, thinking of good things that have happened to me that day. Things to be thankful for.
Some days it's harder that others to come up with much of a list! But every day there is something.

I have to wonder what happens in a youngster's life that makes them become positive (or negative) about things. I do feel fortunate that I have a positive outlook. I'm sad for those who were not as fortunate.

August 30, 2006 3:24 PM  

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