Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why I Like Cats

(1) They ignore you. Cats don’t jump up on you when you come in the door and cause you to drop stuff on the floor.

(2) They’re small and easy to handle. There is no breed of cat, aside from the kind that inhabit jungles and such, which normally weigh more than 15 pounds or so.

(3) Cats don’t greedily lap out of toilets and then lick your face.

(4) Speaking of being greedy, dogs eat each meal as if it’s their last. Cats eat what they need and save the rest.

(5) When cats poop, they cover it up completely. Dogs take a couple of swipes and then move on.

(6) Cats don’t bark all night. Or anytime. When the doorbell rings, they might raise their heads from slumber, then go back to sleep.

(7) They don’t get lost easily. If you can’t find kitty, just look at the highest reachable point in the room or house, and there you will find the cat.

(8) Until cats learn how to use can openers, they will be loyal to you for life. If they do learn, of course, all bets are off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(7) They don’t get lost easily. If you can’t find kitty, just look at the highest reachable point in the room or house, and there you will find the cat.
Or check inside every closet. Trapped for hours makes for a ticked-off kitty.

June 05, 2007 10:32 AM  

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