Sunday, September 19, 2010

I Turned My Lamp On Early This Evening

Unusually early, I said to myself. The lamp is one of those little Christmas “candles” you put in your front window to decorate the house. Mine stays in the window all night, all year; if nothing else, it lets people passing by on the corner busy road know someone is here, there is an occupied house in the middle of the night.

Temperatures have been up and down during the summer. We’ve had our week-long heat waves, followed by milder temps; now it seems as if when the last hot period ended, they never went up again. It stayed cool and the weather map at shows little bits of mixed precip and even light snow over Montana and North Dakota.

People I know who have been quiet about the summer’s heat are now making comments regarding how cool it’s been getting lately. I see fall jackets.

You hear talk of, “This is great sleeping weather,” which means cool nights for the benefit of people who can’t sleep anywhere, anytime, at any temps. I don’t have that problem: any night is good sleeping weather. I never knew what they were talking about; just lay down and fall asleep.

I haven’t seen any trees turning yet. Perhaps they haven’t heard the news. I do know the apples are coming in early, which presents certain problems for the farmers. The downtown Thursday Farmers’ Market runs until November 25 when Brace’s Orchard will pack up their wonderful apple cider for the season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our geese show up ~ October 5th, I saw a flock last evening, Sept. 19.....sumpin, wrong here.

Friday night temps got down to 36° and everyone who still had tomato plants were panicking.

We become stagnant during all four of the seasons, what I do not like is the changing of the seasons for they denote a passage of time.

Hard to believe that within a month the temporary winter garages will be going up, and yesterday I was on my bike for an hour dressed in a T-shirt and cut offs... and then the geese showed up...

Exit 318

September 20, 2010 7:45 AM  

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