Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fourth Post From The Ship

Hmmm; K-Mart is still around, better known as “Gold by the Inch.” But, hello, here’s Mirabella, in which the clerk doth display jewels worthy of royalty. Or:

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree.
To such a deep delight 'twould win me, that with music loud and long,
I would build that dome in air! That sunny dome! Those caves of ice!

Ice, in this case, meaning diamonds and other fine pieces of “Please, darling, I need that for formal night and during the year when I simply must be adorned properly for the formal events we attend as part of your business.”

(Park West over-priced art auctions? Hah; pikers. We’re dealing in the five figures.) Got twenty big ones you want to blow? Madame might wish to choose this necklace, that studded ring. Here is one priced just south of ten. Ahh, it’s you.

Just beware: It’s really not duty-free, despite what you’re told.

(Let that ring flash like the Morse lamp on the Titanic as you taste the choicest of foods in the Pinnacle dining room.) Oh, you shouldn’t have; yes, dear, I should for you are my one and only. “I’m sorry, waiter; is my new expensive ring blinding you?”

“Ah, so lovely. What was that indiscretion, dear? I forget.”


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