Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God's Gift To Poland (tuesday's post)

It's been remarkably nice here the last two or three days. Temps in the 70's, blue skies, light breeze. This may be what we call Indian Summer; I'm not sure. Why it's called "Indian Summer" is anybody's guess and there are all sorts of stories running around explaining that. It's not unique to us, as England has the same phenomenon and calls it "St. Martin's Summer." Other countries, as well, have their own names and you can guess which calls it "God's Gift to Poland."

It does not bear examination, nor should we look into the history of the name. It is a time to enjoy, to be lazy for a few days, to store up the sun's energy and warmth against the coming cold and dreary days.

This is officially Tuesday's post, which is when I started it. Other things happened and the bewitching hour struck before I could post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is officially Tuesday's post, which is when I started it. Other things happened and the bewitching hour struck before I could post.
Time to consider a new concept of "day". A "day" begins when you rise and stay risen. It doesn't matter even if that is after noon. The "day" ends when you lie down to sleep for a lengthy, restorative period (commonly at night). That time may well be after midnight, but is still part of the previous "day".

Therefore, this blog was submitted on your Tuesday.

October 24, 2006 10:56 AM  

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