Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Realtor's Online Photos Looked Great ... It Was Just Reality That Didn't

A friend of mine is "sort of" looking to leave her mobile home and live out her days in a real house. One with a cellar, maybe an attic, wider than 14' and a little more dignity than saying you live in a mobile home park.

Visit #1 of two. Nice view of the Valley, nice yard. Too bad the Realtor can't get in; but all is saved when the neighbor teen goes thru a hatch on the roof and opens the kitchen door for us. We swelter as the Realtor tells us there is no central air. We also notice that it place could use some work (pronounced "$$$"). On with the search.

So on to #2, same Realtor. Nice little place, brick, quite old but cute. Went in thru the basement kitchen. What A Dump! And it looked so nice on the Realtors' online site, inside and out. It would be ideal for someone from VoTech who had some money to put into rebuilding it. I think the Realtor knew from our silence, from the first moment, that this one was a loser.

My friend said, "My mobile home, with its large master bedroom, roomy kitchen and central air, looks pretty good."

This should be an interesting process.


Blogger Reading Reader said...

Tell our friend to take the time to investigate carefully, and be wise about the flood plain, especially on the West Side. I know a real estate investor in Edwardsville if you need a second opinion...and my dad could also take a look if necessary. Good luck.

July 30, 2006 7:59 PM  
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