Monday, November 09, 2009

It Pays To Keep Trying

There is much to be said for persistence, for standing behind your principles, for never giving up. It’s just sometimes you need to hang on longer than most people, perhaps a lot longer. Consider the case of Cha Sa-soon, who would have her driver’s license and needed patience, lots of it.

SEOUL, South Korea - A woman in South Korea who tried to pass the written exam for a driver's license with near-daily attempts since April 2005 has finally succeeded on her 950th time.

The aspiring driver spent more than $4,200 in application fees, but until now had failed to score the minimum 60 out of a possible 100 points needed to get behind the wheel for a driving test. Cha Sa-soon, 68, finally passed the written exam with a score of 60.

It’s not all downhill from here. Ms. Cha needs to pass the driving test first and I don’t want to guess how many times it will take. Maybe she will get lucky and pass it on the first try. Or the tenth. Or whenever. Perhaps the inspector will go easy on her, which I hope never happens.

How would you like to be in front of, behind or next to someone who barely passed her written exam and, perhaps, her road test? This is not my idea of a safe place to be, especially in a country which does not have a tradition of driving and/or road rules. I’ll take the bus, thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wanted to enter Yosemite one time and it was around this time of the year and they told us that we needed to rent chains.
'WHAT?'', I said, ''I live in Québec, we get ten feet of snow every winter and I've never seen anyone with chains, c'mon, man!''

Well turns out that manmy people who go there are from Japan and other countries where most folks never drive in snow. AHA....forget it, if you think that I'm going to share the road with people who have never driven in snow, are driving on summer ties and do not even know how to put on a set of chains, think again, I turned around and left

My sis-in-law tried about ahundred times to get her licence. They probably gave it to her just to get rid of her. She drove for years in the left lane at the speed limit figuring that if the speed limit is 100km/hr. and she is doing that then nobody should legally pass her.

Exit 318

November 10, 2009 6:59 AM  

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