Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Call Of The Open Road

The Travel Channel has a program about trailers, r.v.’s and other things you lived in and put on the road.

A Prevost bus motor home that goes for $1.5 million, for example. Or an Airstream aluminum trailer, the sort of thing we used to see all the time and (by golly) still do. Seen them in the 40’s? Sixty percent of all Airstreams built are still on the road.

The owners of those $750k-and-up Prevost seem to have a way about them. Some sort of manner which says, “We expect things to be ready for us, to be done right and not to have the little people wandering around.”

It’s an entitled life, to be sure, but without the realization that they poop and pee just like the little people whose lives don’t intersect with theirs.

Meanwhile, the little people are gathering in fields for their Airstream reunions, happily chatting with each other; no expectations other than friendliness and shared companionship.

Life doesn’t get much better than that. Not that I’d know; I can’t stand traveling. I hate being in cars or buses for any length of time. Oddly enough, I thought it would be neat to be an over-the-road bus driver, but actually doing it … no way. The only moving thing I like to be in is a nice cruise ship. Ahhhhhh.


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