Monday, April 21, 2008

Fun Is A Renewable Resource

And yet, so many people throw it away after one use – or just disregard it totally, for whatever reason. Fun is something we can toss back and forth, like a volleyball at the beach; a resource we don’t deplete from the planet. We can have fun alone, with others, on the phone, anywhere.

Yet, you look around you and there are so many people who seem to think it’s beneath them to smile, laugh, and enjoy themselves. They are either way too serious, or just out and out cranky.

Check any online message board as an example. There are more flames there than in Hell. Post something and in the middle of a good thread will come the anonymous put-downs.

Check the people around you; to whom do you trust your fun ideas? Not to the grouches, who will find something wrong with everything in life, including a nice vanilla ice cream cone. They have died inside and are killing those they come in contact with.

I suspect the more mature among us are those who can make 6-year-olds giggle and 10-year-olds say, “You’re funny.” Because when we do that, we show them it’s possible to spread joy around. We are remembering what adults did to us when we were six.

So we go around, spreading joy and happiness in whatever ways work for us. Because it’s renewable, it will continue on through those we entertain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to know the meter man!

April 22, 2008 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, does spreading joy by answering the wrong blog count? So sorry- any how I have made a game up here at work just watching the expressions of people who drive into the parking lot-its a whole lot better than television!

April 22, 2008 8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have died inside and are killing those they come in contact with.

These are known as "toxic people". I find it best to stay far, far away from them.

April 22, 2008 11:39 AM  

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