Sunday, August 13, 2006

57 And Sunny

Lovely day today. When I got up, it was 57 degrees, sunny, and the weather map at shows no precip east of Iowa. In other words, it's a great day to walk the cat, chat with neighbors or just be lazy outside.

As it is the Lord's Day, what would the Lord do?

I'd guess He would walk the cat, chat with neighbors and just hang out. It's His day, and He can do pretty much anything He wants. You don't get days like this all the time, especially when you don't have to work.

Can you imagine the Lord God Almighty walking the cat? Sure; why not? It would be a great sight, although He would have to turn down the glory quite a bit so we don't get blinded. He's walking down the street, leash in hand, and we say, "How's it going, God?" He replies, "Just glorious as always, in the beginning, now and forever."

Actually, a day like this would be perfect for all our ancestors to drop by, with or without pets, and meet on the front porch, backyard, or local park and just chat about things. What the area was like when they were kids, how things are going for them now in the Hereafter, any advice they have for us. I'm sure it would not be scary at all; we'd be very comfortable in their presence and happy to have them visit us. When it's time to go, they'd say their goodbye's and sort of fade away, returning to their place in heaven.

Just some thoughts on a sunny Sunday afternoon.


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