Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Two Days After July 2nd

Someone (was it Jefferson?) said that July 2nd would be remembered as the great day of independence from England. Or words to that effect. It was the official day of the signing of the Declaration which was first read two days later, on July 4th.

Ok, so we're celebrating it a couple days late. No big deal; the rockets' glare is just as red; the air is still full of bombs bursting. Idiots are still looking down lit canisters to see why their rocket didn't ignite... at least, up till then; say hello to your great-grandmother for me.

It's Independence Day, time for us to exercise our divinely-given right to sit in the blazing sun, eat too many hotdogs, drink too much beer and talk too loud as we interrupt each others' story. That's what our forefathers died for and our foremothers spied for; oh, can you name any of them?

The 4th of July is not just an American thing. Sweden, Jamaica, the Caicos Islands, Algeria and Kenya also have a 4th of July. We are not alone.


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